Dentures in Glendale, AZ
If you haven’t tried modern dentures, you’re in for a surprise. Today’s dentures in Glendale fit better and last longer than ever before thanks to recent advances in technology. At Italian Smiles, we can fit you with custom dentures that will allow you to:
I personally love dentures, because I think they're a great option for people who just in their past weren't able to take care of their teeth due to whatever reason that it is. But with dentures, I mean, we can literally take people and just restore their whole smile, give them a brand new smile, be able to support their face. A lot of times, people with no teeth, their face looks sunken in and they look a lot older than what they are. When we put these dentures in there, it fills out a lot of the spaces and your cheeks that make it look more full. And also to just the function of being able to eat again. People who don't have teeth, they can't digest their food as well. And as a result, it starts causing a lot of issues to the rest of their body. With dentures, we're able to be able to get patients back smiling again, and then also to be able to eat their food again.
Like I said, a lot of patients haven't been able to eat nothing but soups for a long time. And so, when they get these teeth and they're able to eat a steak again, or eat an apple or these different things, it changes their whole personality, changes their whole mindset. Go out and get jobs and feel like they can conquer the world again when they have new teeth in and dentures are a great option for that. That's not the final stage. Patients can also, if they have enough bone available, we can be able to go ahead and place implants in there so that they can be a lot more retentive and they're not concerned about these falling out. Usually with our dentures, we get them to stay in there pretty well by themselves, especially with the upper teeth and not needing to have implants, but on the lower it's a lot more difficult. And so, placing either two or four implants on those dentures can really be able to help sustain their bite and not worry about them moving around in their mouth and just having better overall function with their dentures.
- Eat and enjoy a wider variety of menu options
- Smile confidently with natural-looking teeth
- Make better first impressions everywhere you go
- Speak more plainly so you avoid embarrassment
- Make romantic moments more relaxed and enjoyable
It’s time you got your teeth back! Call us today at 602-857-9945 to schedule an appointment. We’re currently offering two dentures specials. For only $3,850, we’ll remove all remaining teeth on one arch and give you immediate dentures. One soft reline and two adjustments are also included. Or for only $5,500, you can get the same package but with bone grafting for site preservation included as well. This second package is designed for patients who want to get dental implants in the future.
Our Dentures Options Make Patients Happy
Your dentists at Italian Smiles are experts when it comes to dentures. We’ve helped many patients get their smiles back using modern dentures, and we’d love the opportunity to help you too. You’ll have several styles of dentures to choose from, depending on your needs:
- Conventional Full Dentures – This style of denture replaces a full arch of teeth and is easily removable.
- Conventional Metal Partials – This traditional denture may be used if you have healthy teeth remaining.
- Valplast® Partials – Designed to look more natural, this type of partial denture is preferred by many patients.
- Glass and Metal Partials – This style of denture also looks more lifelike than a traditional partial.
- Implant-Retained Dentures – A snap-and-ball system locks your teeth into place using dental implants.
- Implant-Supported Dentures – Your custom-fit dentures anchor to a bar that is attached to implants.
- Immediate Dentures – Get these teeth right after any remaining teeth are removed.
If you need dentures in Glendale, look no further than Italian Smiles. Call us today at 602-857-9945 to schedule an appointment. You can also make an appointment  online.